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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The colonists began to boycott the British tea, so the British began to sell it directly to them because it would be cheaper. But colonists still didn´t want to buy it and instead bought Dutch tea. In December 16, 1773, the patriots (ones who opposed the taxes) disguised as indians and began to drop the British tea that was loaded in 3 ships. This event was called the Boston Tea Party.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Boycott is when people refuse to trade or buy products with another country in a form of protest. This Boycott was done by the colonists with the British products with taxes(sugar,paper, stamps, etc..). As products were not bought the parliament had to take way the taxes because they were having financial problems, but they only left the tax on th British tea, which then led to the Boston Tea Party.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No taxation without representation was one of the causes of the american revolution, because as England had a big debt thanks to the war and began to tax the american colonies through everyday products. The colonists without understanding why they were taxed by the parliament, if they didn´t had anyone who represented them in England, began to protest and boycott British products. The Britsh King got mad and sent soldiers to put order in the colonies.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It was a war between English and American colonies against French and some indians of the north. It was commanded by George Washington, and fought around the Ohio River. The French and Indian war was a seven-year-war, which left Britain a big debt.

The French began to built forts in areas that belonged to the British and as well did the British. In 1754, the war started because George Washington was sent to expel the French from Fort Duquesne.

At the beginning French were winning and caused a lot of losses in British troops. In 1756, British began to recover thanks to William Pitt, secretary of state, who gave more resources to the troops. In 1759, British occupy Quebec and then Montreal. The French and Indian war ended in 1763, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris, in which France gave all the land west of the Mississippi. The big debt that was left to Britain was one of the causes that led to the American Revolution.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What is the american Revolution?
The American Revolution was a fight between the thirteen american colonies against Great Britain, producing what is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Main causes of the American Revolution
THE STAMP ACT: was passed in 1965 by the parliament because they needed money to pay the troops and the debts that they had, so they created this act which was applyied to some stamp duties. Coloniests, British merchants and manufacturers opposed this act because it made it difficult to trade with colonies.

THE TOWNSHEND ACT: were a series of acts passed in 1767, by the British Parliament which included the Custom act.

THE TEA ACT AND BOSTON TEA PARTY: The Boston Tea Party was produced after the tea tax that was put by the parliament. On December 1773, a group of colonists disguised as indians (for not being recognize)and got into the ships that had the taxed tea, destroying it by throwing them to the sea. This was called THE BOSTON TEA PARTY.

OTHER CAUSES: Other acts were put to the colonists as the Sugar act, Quebec act and Boston Port Bill (Boston´s ports were closed to all ships, until colonists paid to the East Indian Company the damaged caused in the Boston tea party).


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We are a group of Delcampo International School, Honduras. For our U.S. History class we had to make a dynamic blog about the American Revolution. We hope this blog helps you!
