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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It was a war between English and American colonies against French and some indians of the north. It was commanded by George Washington, and fought around the Ohio River. The French and Indian war was a seven-year-war, which left Britain a big debt.

The French began to built forts in areas that belonged to the British and as well did the British. In 1754, the war started because George Washington was sent to expel the French from Fort Duquesne.

At the beginning French were winning and caused a lot of losses in British troops. In 1756, British began to recover thanks to William Pitt, secretary of state, who gave more resources to the troops. In 1759, British occupy Quebec and then Montreal. The French and Indian war ended in 1763, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris, in which France gave all the land west of the Mississippi. The big debt that was left to Britain was one of the causes that led to the American Revolution.



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We are a group of Delcampo International School, Honduras. For our U.S. History class we had to make a dynamic blog about the American Revolution. We hope this blog helps you!
